Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Seasons of Life- 2018 Focus

2017 has been a great year. We've had lots of fun and I've really tried to focus on finding JOY. This year is almost over, and while it can seem pretty silly and even pointless to set goals for the new year when you'll likely give up before the end of February, I really like opportunities to change (even if the timing does seem a little forced sometimes). Change is good. It can be hard, but if we don't change we don't grow, so let's think of this as an opportunity for growth and maybe for second chances as well. 
We are goal setters in our family, but I have found that when I try to make huge goals for the year, I often fall into that "fail by February" category. Instead, I like to have a focus for the year. I also like to think about a few generic things I'd like to do- not too specific, so when the opportunity presents itself I get to cross something off my list or I can count many different things. I try to keep it simple, so I don't get overwhelmed either. I'll break down each of the 5 items and my focus word below.

Do something SCARY:
This can mean I have faith to act on a prompting or feeling that I get. It could mean I face a fear for the greater good. It can mean I get brave for no reason other than to do it. Any way I take it, there's bound to be some personal growth here. I'm not sure I'm ready to confront any snakes yet though... we'll see.

Break a BAD HABIT:
I think we could all benefit if everyone did this one! HA! 
If you don't think you have a bad habit, ask someone close to you. Make sure you tell them what you're trying to do, otherwise it might get ugly. If you decide to ask for help, be prepared for the truth and you'll be less likely to get offended. 
The main reason this one is on my list is to help me practice some self control. It takes a significant amount of time to break a habit or create one (I've heard 14 times, 21 days, 30 days, and others but I wasn't feeling all the research today, so you can look it up if you're worried about the exact number.), and that's going to take a lot of self control. Now I just need to choose one of my bad habits.... 

Do something GOOD + don't tell anyone about it"
In a world of sharing through social media, it can be difficult to keep things to ourselves sometimes. It's not a bad thing to let people know the good you are doing-it can often lead others to do something good as well, but it often means more if we do quiet acts of goodness. Even when we do something for one of our friends or neighbors, my husband and kids usually know about it. I want to do something completely anonymous and make it count. It's going to be tricky and I'll have to be a little bit sneaky, but I'm kind of excited to see what I can come up with. I'm hoping I can do this several times this year! 

Try something NEW:
This can be trying a new food, going to a new place,  accepting a new job or church calling, or you can even do the two-birds-one-stone thing and let this new thing be your "something SCARY". Experiencing new things helps us to grow, and can also help us discover new interests.  I hope to say yes to many new adventures this year.

Change FOCUS for Biz:
This one is a little more me-specific. I've been wanting to go in a slightly different direction with my book business, and I have decided to use the new year as a fresh opportunity to do so. The good news for YOU (if you enjoy them) is that I should be adding more blog posts this year too!
I'm going to attempt to simplify and streamline my biz by consolidating a lot of my ideas. (I love feedback- it helps me grow! So share any thoughts you have from the past or throughout the year if you'd like.) 
To make this work in your life, find something that you've been wanting to do differently, or that might not be working the way you want it to and change how you focus on it! I'd love to hear what you are planning to change. Please share in the comments or message me.

2018 Word of the Year: SEASONS

SEASONS for me is a loaded word. It means I can do anything and everything, but not all at once. It tells me to take time for each adventure and don’t rush to find the next one. It tells me that sometimes I have to wait for my season. It lets me know there is something GOOD about every stage of life. It reminds me to acknowledge time and place, as well as give everything my own “spice” (see what I did there?). It reminds me that I can't hold on to everything, and that with change there is often something even better ahead. In 2018 I want slow down and enjoy the seasons of life.

When choosing your word for the year, make sure it's something that speaks to you. If it's completely one-dimensional, you might consider choosing something else that can apply to more than just one situation. If you are wanting to make a big change, it can all start with a small word. Focus on the word and what it means for you. Apply it to your life. Think of it when life seems crazy or frustrating. Remember why you chose it in the first place. That is how you can grow the most and have the best year yet.

I have included a copy of the graphic with blank spaces for you to customize if you'd like to print or share your resolutions for 2018. Tag me or link back to this post please! I'd love to see your focus and change goals. Thanks for reading mine.

Happy New Year, everyone! I hope it brings new opportunities for growth and change.